Sunday, December 27, 2015

Jane Margaret Nelson Tidwell

Here's a simple story of a wonderful lady.  My maternal great-great grandmother.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Shoemaker Bears His Testimony

This is the story of my Great-Great-Great Grandfather, Olaus Johnson, who worked as a shoemaker in Norway.  He helped bring the widow Anna Widtsoe to a knowledge of the restored Gospel.  She was the mother of John A. Widtsoe, who later became an Apostle of the Lord.  Taken from the book, "In the Gospel Net", written by John A. Widtsoe.....

So glad you are here!  Here's my inaugural post and some thoughts about why I wanted to start this blog!  Please check back often as I hope to post stories and collect stories about our family that I can place here as a repository for memories and inspiration.  -Love, Greg (Dad)