Sunday, November 27, 2016

My 4th-Great-Grandmother, Elizabeth McBride

This is taken from the Church News, dated 26 Oct 2002 under the title, "Hidden Marker".  Grandmother Elizabeth was finally recognized with a burial marker 108 years after her passing in Salina, Utah.  It is a testament to me of the importance the Lord places on each and every one of His children.  I thank Cousin Eunice and Marjorie for sharing their experiences about one of my faithful  ancestors.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Captain John Thomas Rolfe - entrepreneur and colonizer of Virginia

My 10th Great-Grandfather, Captain John Thomas Rolfe, brought a viable strain of tobacco to Virginia and made it a sustainable crop for the Colonists.  Although not a smoker myself, his efforts allowed for the growth and stability of the struggling colonies.  He is also known for his marriage to the "dearest daughter" of Chief Powhatan - a girl known by the nickname of "Playful One", or Pocahontas.